Short form description ORB II (optical receiver board)

This NIM module was designed as a optical-electrical converter in the data transmission schema of the AMANDA experiment at south pole. Very sensitive light sensors (PMTs) were deployed into the Antarctic ice shield at a depth of 2000m. Using fibre optics results in a nearly loss free signal transmission with high bandwidth.

Circuit design

This 12 channel module, consisting of  two boards, is housed in a 1/12 NIM cassette. Board 1 (the larger) contains two fold fan outs and the delay/amplifier combination, board 2  optical receivers (HFBR 2316T) an AC-coupled adjustable inverting amplifiers. It provides three times higher density (channels per volumes), half the power consumption per channel and reduced high frequency noise in comparison to the original ORB design.

Front Panel


Circuit Schematics of ORB

 Board 1: top lel   Board 2: top level 
 slot 1   slot 1 
 slot 2   slot 2 
 slot 3   slot 3 
 slot 4   slot 4 
 slot 5   slot 5 
 slot 6   slot 6 
 slot 7   slot 7 
 slot 8   slot 8 
 slot 9   slot 9 
 slot 10   slot 10 
 slot 11   slot 11 
 slot 12   slot 12 
 mounting scheme: component side   mounting scheme: solder side 
 mounting scheme: component side   mounting scheme: solder side 

Technical data

power supply:  +6V: 600 mA 
 -6V: 600 mA
input:  ST-fibre optic connector, 
62.5/125 lm multimode fibre, 
1300 nm 
undelayed outputs :  LEMO 00 connectors, 
neg. polarity, 50 W impedance, 
bandwidth: 125 MHz, lower edge at 40 kHz 
sensitivity: min. 20 V/mW optical power 
delayed output:  LEMO 00 connectors, 
neg. polarity, 50 W impedance, 
bandwidth: 10 MHz, 
delay: 1800ns = jumper u3, 1900 ns = u2, 2000 ns = u1 
manufacturing and design  Scientific instruments Dr. Thomas Mikolajski, 
Germany, 12627 Berlin, Tangermuender Strasse 11, 
phone: +49-30-9942597, fax: +49-30-99902734, 